Beyond Boundaries Global Leadership & STEM Academy

Creating Problem Solvers, One Solution at a Time!

About Us!

Our Mission

To promote, teach, train, and equip students with the tools and methods needed to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Our Vision

To innovatively produce scholars who matriculate into STEM careers that revolutionize society.

Our Promise

If students are willing to accept the challenge set before them, B.B.G.L.S.A. will maximize their current learning potential and broaden their academic capacity in STEM understanding and subjects.

Our Values

With faith, integrity, honesty and transparency serving as the focal point of how we teach, we model these principles before ourselves and our students with the overarching goal to produce caring and competent scholars.

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Learning More Everyday, Making a Difference along the Way!

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution.” -Aristotle